Our Services

Specialising in Automation and Algorithms for Energy Markets

automated bidding platform

Automated Bidding of Generators, Renewables and Batteries

  • maximise FCAS and energy earnings
  • measure, manage and improve with comprehensive benchmarking
  • hands off automated facility dispatch, or
  • apply deep integration within sophisticated trading teams, and
  • interrogate and intervene in the solve cycle
  • includes adaptive machine learning price forecasts

This service is consumed by:

  • gentailers, market participants
  • scheduled plant including batteries and renewables

enriching data

Regulation and Frequency 4 Second Data

  • measure generator performance
  • analyse frequency and generator behaviour
  • understand the gross margin in providing regulation FCAS
  • understand your liabilities and contribution factor
  • direct data access to database available

This service is consumed by:

  • plant exposed to regulation FCAS cost recovery
  • providers of regulation FCAS
  • regulators and regulatory teams interested in frequency and FCAS market design

algorithmic data

Day, Hour and Week Ahead Expected Generation

  • predispatch, p5min and p7day generation profiles
  • updated every 5 and 30 minutes
  • summary views, events
  • changes between rundatetimes and settlementdates highlighted
  • download data via API

This service is consumed by:

  • physical traders
  • energy contract traders
  • fuel procurement
  • outage planners

Forecasting Platform

Machine learning price forecasts

  • Regular model retraining updates
  • Performance metrics included
  • Input data and price forecast charts
  • Rundatetime comparison charts
  • Week ahead 1/2 hour forecasts
  • Predispatch time horizon 1/2 hour forecasts

This service is consumed by:

  • physical and contract traders
  • middle and back office for independent price forecasts
  • fuel procurement and outage planning
  • input into pdBidr

Our Clients


"I’m so pleased that we brought Brett and the pdView team on board to deliver on the vision for Loy Yang B auto-bidding. As energy markets transition, it is important for our traders and generation fleet to adapt to the changing needs of the market. I’m very proud of this achievement and we look forward to pursuing further opportunities together."

Alinta Energy went live with pdBidr Auto Bidding in Sept 2021.
Find out more about pdBidr

Chris McDonagh

General Manager, Alinta Energy

Contact us for more information or trial of our services

Specialising in Algorithmic Software Services for Energy Markets

Proudly Australian owned and operated

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